Deploy SSIS Packages across servers

Recently I had to deploy a set of SSIS packages stored in the msdb of a development server into a test server. I should mention that a SSIS package could be stored in the file system, in a package store or in the msdb database of a SQL Server instance.
I don’t want to discuss the reasons to choose a specific option but if you’re curious I left here a couple of articles:
Deployment Storage Options for SSIS Package
What are the advantages/disadvantages of storing SSIS packages to MSDB vs File System?

To organize my packages I’ve created a root folder with the name of the project, and three subfolders according to my task categories:

folder structure

The Task
The task to perform is to move all of the SSIS packages stored in this folder to a test server with similar settings (SQL server Database running on Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise)

If I used the file system or package store storage option I just need to move the packages to the new location, but this is not the case. A simple option is to use the SSMS (management studio) and individually export each package:

individual exportBut I’m too lazy to do that and I want to move all of the packages at the same time.

There is a deployment utility for SSIS projects in the Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS). Here is a great article which explains its usage (also apply for SQL Server 2008):
Deploying SSIS Packages in SQL Server 2005

The disadvantage of this “just click next up to the end” option is you can choose one and only one target folder. At the moment I couldn’t figure out a way to have logical folders in the BIDS solution explorer under the SSIS Packages folder and map them to their correspondents target folder in the msdb.

Another option is to use the PowerShell extension for SSIS:
The main drawback of this option is these extensions need to be installed, and the execution of scripts must be enabled, but it seems to work nicely.
My last option in discussion, and the one that I finally used is the DTUTIL command line utility, but like I said before, I’m too lazy so I’ve created a couple of stored procedures that I want to share with you.

This stored procedure creates a folder in the root folder of the msdb database. The input parameter is the name of the folder. The name of the folder must be enclosed into single quotes if contains special characters. Please feel free to modify this stored procedure to create subfolders; you will need to add another input parameter and lookup the parent folder id.

USE [msdb]

/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[createSSISpackagesFolder] Script Date: 04/02/2013 15:49:08 ******/


CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[createSSISpackagesFolder]
@destFolder sysname = '' -- Specify the name of the folder in the msdb

EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1

DECLARE @folders table(folderid uniqueidentifier, parentfolderid uniqueidentifier, foldername sysname);
insert into @folders
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_ssis_listfolders '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000';

if (select Count(*) from @folders where foldername = @destFolder)=0
/*Add a Folder*/

exec msdb.dbo.sp_ssis_addfolder

@parentfolderid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'

,@name = @destFolder;

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_ssis_listfolders '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000';



This is the modified version of the stored procedure I’ve found in this article:
The procedure receives seven parameters: IP address or server name of the source and target server, SQL Server credentials if apply, that is, user name and password for each server (If Windows Authentication is used the credentials are not needed) and the name of the target folder. The stored procedure must be run from the source server. The name of the source folder and target folder must match. If you want another behavior it is easy to create another input parameter to have different source and target folder names.

USE [msdb]

/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[copySSISpackagesPlus] Script Date: 04/02/2013 15:51:03 ******/


CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[copySSISpackagesPlus]
@srcServer sysname='', -- Source server name
@destServer sysname='', -- Destination server name
@srcUser sysname = '', -- SQL Server login used to connect to the source server
@srcPassword sysname = '', -- Password of the SQL Server login on the source server
@destUser sysname = '', -- SQL Server login used to connect to the destination server
@destPassword sysname = '', -- Password of the SQL Server login on the destination server
@srcFolder sysname = '' -- Specify the name of the source folder in the msdb

DECLARE @execStrings table(Idx int identity(1,1), execCmd varchar(1000))

Insert into @execStrings(execCmd)
select 'dtutil /Quiet /COPY SQL;' +
case foldername when '' then '"' + [name] + '"' else '"' + foldername + '\' + [name] + '"' end
+ ' /SQL ' + case foldername when '' then '"' + [name] + '"' else '"' + foldername + '\' + [name] + '"' end
+ ' /SOURCESERVER ' + @srcServer
+ case @srcUser when '' then '' else ' /SourceUser ' + @srcUser + ' /SourcePassword ' + @srcPassword end
+ ' /DESTSERVER ' + @destServer
+ case @destUser when '' then '' else ' /DestUser ' + @destUser + ' /DestPassword ' + @destPassword end
from dbo.sysssispackages pkg join dbo.sysssispackagefolders fld
on pkg.folderid = fld.folderid
where fld.foldername = @srcFolder

DECLARE @cnt int = (select COUNT(*) from @execStrings);
DECLARE @tmpCmd varchar(1000);
set @tmpCmd = (select execCmd from @execStrings where Idx = @cnt);
print @tmpCmd;
exec [master].[sys].[xp_cmdshell] @tmpCmd;
set @cnt = @cnt -1;



Further questions or comments? Please write me.

3 responses to “Deploy SSIS Packages across servers”

  1. How Can I move a lot of linked SSIS Packages (i.e. one parent SSIS Package, executing or calling different SSIS packages) all stored in a folder in MSDB on SQL Server 2008 to a SQL Server 2012 SSIS Catalog database. I am looking for a different option apart from physically exporting all the SSIS packages one at a time into a 2010 or 2012 BIDS project, then deploying the project to a SQL Server 2012 SSIS Catalog database..

  2. Some of these SSIS packages have its securities encrypted in the msdb database, this will be an issue, if I export them into a 2010 or 2012 BIDS project as I don’t know the password and some of the will start failing because I didn’t created them.

    1. Hi Mick,

      sorry if my answer comes too late.
      Unfortunatley I don’t have any experience already with the SQL Server 2012. Therefore I suggest you to post this question in the SQLServerCentral SSIS Forum:
      You will get an answer.
      Kind Regards,

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